Sunday, July 09, 2006

Too hot :(

I received my August copy of Knitting magazine yesterday, with my final piece for them in it.

OK, that was terrible sentence construction, but I am too hot and tired to care :)

It's a camisole worked in Louisa Harding Kimono Silk Ribbon, which has to be one of the prettiest yarns I've used recently. I love variegated yarns anyway, because the changing colours keep me amused - yes, I am easily amused! Sometimes variegated yarn has very badly conceived colourways, and sudden changes in colour. This yarn, however, changes subtly from one colour to another, and also has a lovely sheen to it which is not immediately obvious in pictures.

It's also very easy to work with, so long as you don't use mega-sharp needles, as these would tend to pierce the yarn. It slides smoothly along the needle without slipping off the tip, and it's surprisingly stretchy.

No affiliation, by the way - just my own thoughts!

I was also very pleased with the way that the camisole itself was photographed - good front and back shots. It really annoys me when I open knitting magazines and see photographers trying to be arty - sorry, people, but we need good, clear photographs of the garment. No colour filters, no long-distance misty shots, and nothing distracting from the knit.....

OK, that's it for this week. Sorry I'm not at my sparkling best, but I hate heat. And please don't mention 'Doctor Who....'


Anonymous said...

How typical that they finally get something right, but not until you got so cross you ditched them! The camisole sounds gorgeous.
I'm still waiting with baited breath for the Simply Knitting interview.
I didn't get the Dr Who reference.

Mary Anne said...


I'm so glad to hear you are happy with your piece in the magazine.
Take care of yourself please.
mary anne

Heather said...

Sorry, Vicki and any other non-Doctor Who people. It was the end of the series, and they had to write out his companion, Rose - by trapping her in an alternate universe, which seemed a bit harsh....