Monday, November 23, 2009

Doing the Border Shuffle

The border on Mum's Eliina shawl is 32 rows deep. When I knitted mine, I had one small problem, which I fudged, and sailed through the rest. Thanks to Mad October, the same is not true of this one...

It started well. I was up to row 23 by the beginning of October. Then I made the mistake of knitting when tired, and had to frog to row 14.

I compounded this by picking up the newly fixed row 14 and finding another mistake, dropping down a stitch to fix it - and failing to pick it back up again in pattern. That time it got frogged to row 6, and I took the opportunity of it being off the needles to get it photographed:

Eliina, with Merlin

Merlin decided what it really needed for scale was a large black cat....

Anyway, I got that picked up, went up to row 19 - and messed up again.

Finally, last week, I got it all the way to the start of row 23, perfectly correct. It has only taken me 7 weeks to get back to where I was in the first place.

And now.... I have a rogue extra stitch and can't find it.



Wibbo said...

My sympathies with your bouts of frogging! Is it a black cat thing that they arrange themselves symmetrically on one's knitting? ;o)

littlelixie said...

Also sending sympathy. It's always after you've just congratulated yourself on how well it's going that life kicks you in the bum. Love it that merlin apparently knows how to use scissors too! That's one intelligent cat.

Mary Anne said...

oooh, sorry to hear of all that frogging, but Merlin looks so darn cute sitting there.

dangel smith said...

the cat is so comfortable... naughty cat..

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